Tag – You’re It!

Tag – You’re It!

Does this phrase excite you or terrorize you? Does it make your heart palpitate or make your heart stop? Does it embolden you or worry you?

Some of the emotions that you may be feeling are from your childhood experiences of playing the game tag, and then getting tagged and being denoted “It.” Now as “It,” you had the job of catching others. This could be a source of immense pressure or immense power. You were the one pursuing, making things happen. If you didn’t do anything, the game would end.

Welcome to 2019 – Tag, You’re It.

I heard the actor Jeff Bridges use this expression during the Golden Globes (on TV) last week-end as he won a lifetime achievement award. It was so simple, I just loved his use of this familiar childhood phrase.

The notion of the game as a metaphor for life holds the same rules. Everything is dependent on us. If we stop pursuing, and making things happen, eventually the game slows and becomes tedious. The chase is part of the game. The chase is our pursuit of the things that we want to explore, create, or experience. It provides the lifeblood for our existence.

As you think about the past (2018), did you explore, create, or experience something that mattered to you? Or was it the same ole thing?

Tag, You’re it. You are the magic, the madness, or the stillness.

What I love the most about this phrase is that it puts the responsibility squarely on our shoulders. It does not allow for blaming others, complaining about circumstances, or any other excuse! It cuts through all the BS. Life is dependent on us. That’s it. If we want our lives to be different in any way, it’s up to us.

Now, armed with this secret knowledge, we have a chance to do something different in 2019. Instead of doing the same old goals and objectives for life, we can actively consider what is missing in our lives and pursue it.

Remember that pursuit isn’t the same as achieving. Pursuing can be just for the fun of it. Just like in the game Tag, we pursued our friends just for the fun of it… there were no medals or trophies. Just pursuit for the fun of it.

Examine your life right now. Look around. What can you pursue for the fun of it?

Vow to adopt a new (fun) activity today. Take a baby step towards a (exciting) goal today. Pursue an (amusing) idea today. Dare to go beyond the (wild) daydream today.

Because today, I have tagged you as “It!”

Like before, you can go begin the chase or not play at all. Take the first step to accept 2019 as the year to shed the blame, forget the excuses, and accept responsibility for the things that YOU want.

Remember that 2019 is not only a new year, but it’s also the last year of the decade! It’s where one radical change could compel you to new heights of happiness, fulfillment, and success so that start of your next decade could be an entirely different story. Make 2019 your transformational year!

~ Roopal Badheka


Jeff Bridges Acceptance Speech

Beautiful white peacock showing off its feathers (one of my favorite videos ever)

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